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Thursday, 29 December 2011

Sfarsitul anului.....

Sfarsitul de an reprezinta pentru noi toti o perioada speciala care ne aduce sentimente de bucurie si pretuire fata de cei dragi, credinta si speranta pentru ce va veni.
Finalul de an reprezinta insa, la nivel individual, si un moment de bilant al realizarilor, al lucrurilor care si-au gasit implinirea si a celor care au ramas sa se implineasca anul viitor. Cu siguranta, fiecare dintre noi am fi dorit sa putem realiza si mai multe la nivel personal sau profesional.
Asadar va doresc un An Nou plin de impliniri, si cum spune romanul optimist " La anul o sa fie mai bine ".
Sa sarbatoriti noaptea dintre ani cum se cuvine cu bucurie, veselie, fara griji si suparare.
La multi ani 2012 ! Sa curga sampania ... 

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Christmas mood

We’re officially in the winter season when the specific decorations start to show up in the city.
Cluj-Napoca is not an exception to this rule, the city glittering and flickering when the night is becoming the city’s ruler.
The best winter decorations you can find in the center of the city, from the Orthodox Cathedral, followed by EroilorStreet  to MattiaCorvin Square. You can find everything winter related covered in LEDs, but the most interesting ones are the ones that are Christmas relates: Santa Claus, Snowman, Santa’s sleigh with the deers.
What young people seem to enjoy the most is the ice skating ring from the MattiaCorvinSquare. So that you won’t leave the ring all frozen up, around the square there are some little stalls where you can find mulled wine, meat Christmas specific products, “kurtoskalacs” – specific Hungarian sweet or traditional handmade ornaments for home.
 Text by Flavia Stoia.

Photographer : David Borhidan.
Location : Cluj Napoca.
Equipment : Nikon D7000 + AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105 mm VR ED .

I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Photoshooting with Sonia

Model : Sonia Sabina.
Photographer : David Borhidan.
Retouch : David Borhidan.
Equipment : Nikon D7000 + AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105 mm VR ED.
Location : Cluj Napoca.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Autumn photoshooting with Alina

Model : Alina Boda.
Photographer : David Borhidan.
Retouch : David Borhidan.
Eqipment : Nikon D 7000 + AF-S DX 18-105 mm VR ED.
Location : Cluj Napoca.