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Sunday, 30 October 2011

Photoshooting with Sabina & Roxana

Models : Sabina and Roxana.
Photographer : David Borhidan.
Edit : David Borhidan.
Pictures taken with : Nikon D7000 + Nikkor AF-S 18 - 105 mm VR ED.

Model : Roxana

Friday, 28 October 2011

Photoshooting with Madalina

Photoshooting with Madalina in the park of  Iulius Mall , Cluj Napoca.
Pictures taken with : Nikon D7000 + AF - S Nikkor 18 - 105 mm VR ED .
Model : Madalina.
Photographer : David Borhidan.
Edit : David Borhidan.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Targu Mures

Târgu Mureș (Hungarian: Marosvásárhely, German: Neumarkt am Mieresch) is the seat of Mureș County in the north-central part of Romania.
As of January 1, 2009 the city had a population of 145,151 inhabitants, making it the 16th largest city in Romania.

The city was first documented in 1332 in the papal registry under the name Novum Forum Siculorum, and as Sekulvasarhel (Székelyvásárhely) in 1349. On the place of its Castle Church, the Dominican's church stood until the Mongol invasion, when it was destroyed. In its place, the Franciscans built a new Gothic church in 1260 , which was completed in 1446. Since 1439 the town was the scene of the session of parliament ( diet) 36 times.In 1405, the King of Hungary Sigismund of Luxembourg granted the city the right to organize fairs. In 1470 King Matthias Corvinus granted the first judicial privilege to the city, and in 1482 declared the city a royal settlement. In 1492, wayvoda István Báthory strengthened its monastery with fortifications, this was a pentagon-shaped outer castle tower. In 1506, the troops of Pál Tomori were beaten by the Szeklers rising against the payment of an extraordinary Ox tax imposed on them on occasion of the birth of Louis II of Hungary. In 1557, the Reformed Church College (i.e. Presbyterians) was established as the oldest Hungarian school of Transylvania. In 1571, the session of Transylvanian parliament under prince John II Sigismund Zápolya accepted the free preach of the word of God, including the Unitarian Church. In 1600-1601, as a result of the siege of Giorgio Basta, the fortress turned to ruins. In 1602, the troops of Gergely Németh put on fire the remaining houses of the town, therefore, in 1602 the reconstruction of the fortress was started further the advice of mayor Tamás Borsos, but it was actually built between 1614 and 1653. Mózes Székely the only prince of Szekler origin visited the city in 1603, when liberated Transylvania from foreign domination. In 1616, it was granted the status of a free royal city under the name of Maros-Vásárhely by prince (fejedelem) Gábor Bethlen . In 1658, Turkish and Tartarian troops invaded and burned it, 3000 people were taken into captivity. In 1661, as no one show willingness to accept the duty of prince, under pressure from pasha Ali, Mihály Apafi was elected prince here. In 1662, resulting from the negligence of the Turkish military residing here, the city was almost completely burnt down. In 1687, it was devastated by German imperial troops.
In 1704, the kuruc troops of Pál Kaszás occupied the fortress, which was re-occupied by Lőrinc Pekry from the labanc in 1706. On 5 April 1707, Francis II Rákóczi was raised to the chair of princes. In 1707 it was struck by pest, more than 3500 people died, the black death renewed in 1709, 1719 and in 1738-39.
The city received a major boost to its social and economic life when it became home to supreme court of justice of the Principality of Transylvania in 1754. In 1802, the Teleki Library founded by count Sámuel Teleki was opened for the public with 40.000 volumes.
Avram Iancu, the leader of the 1848 Romanian revolution in Transylvania, was a young lawyer in the city of Marosvásárhely before engaging in the fight for the rights of Romanians living in Transylvania. On 4 November 1848, the Szekler troops were beaten by the Austrian imperial troops under its walls, and the city was also captured. On January 13, 1849 the troop of major Tolnay recaptured it. On 30 July 1849, Sándor Petőfi and Bem set out from here for the Battle of Segesvár.
In 1854, Szekler martyrs Károly Horváth, János Török and Mihály Gálfi were executed on the Postarét for plotting against the Austrian rule, since 1874 a monument marks the place. In 1861, Marosvásárhely became the seat of Marosszék, in 1876 that of Maros-Torda County. In 1880 the statue of Bem was inaugurated in Roses Square, in downtown area; in 1893 the statue of Kossuth was as well. The statue of Rákóczi was also inaugurated in 1907. All three were demolished after World War I between 1919 in 1923 after Transylvania became part of Romania.
The provincial appearance of the city changed greatly in the late 19th century and early 20th century. In 1913, the Hungarian Art-Nouveau style city hall complex and Cultural Palace was opened, as part of mayor Bernády György's urban renewal. After World War I, together with the rest of Transylvania, Marosvásáshely became part of Romania and was re-named Oşorheiu. From having been an 89% Hungarian-populated city (1910), Romanian population increased throughout the latter half of the 20th century.
From 1940 to 1944, as a consequence of the Second Vienna Award, the city was ceded back to Hungary. After Hungary was occupied by Germany in 1944, a Jewish ghetto was established in the city. Oşorheiu re-entered the Romanian administration at the end of the war in October 1944, however, on 12 November 1944 general Vinogradov of the Soviet Red Army expulsed the returning Romanian authorities from Northern Transylvania with reference to the massacres committed by members of Iuliu Maniu's so called Maniu-guard, and the Romanian authorities were not allowed to return until the government of Petru Groza was formed on 6 March 1945.
After World War II, the communist administration of Romania conducted a policy of massive industrialization that completely re-shaped the community. Between 1950-1968, it was the center of the Hungarian Autonomous Province, later named as Mures-Hungarian Autonomous Region. On 7 September 1959, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Secretary-General of the Romanian Workers Party, and the Prime Minister Chivu Stoica visited the city. It was then decided where to build the fertilizer production plant, and the new residential quarters of the city. It was decided that the residential quarters would not be built in the Maros valley, but on the surrounding hills.
In March 1990, shortly after the Romanian Revolution of 1989 overthrew the communist regime, the city was the stage of violent confrontations between ethnic Hungarians and ethnic Romanians .
As of 2000, a considerable percentage of its population has started to work abroad temporarily. The local economy has started to get stronger after various investors settled in the area.
The city has a substantial ethnic Hungarian minority, some of whom identify as Székelys. Since 2003 some Székely organizations have been campaigning for the city to become the center of an autonomous region again.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Snake in Zoo Targu Mures

In partea estica a orasului, pe platoul Cornesti se afla Gradina Zoologica, la 488 m deasupra Marii Negre si la 197 m deasupra orasului. Padurea de stejar si carpen, numita "Padurea Mare" ofera conditii ideale pentru animalele gradinii.
Punctul zoologic din Tirgu-Mures infiintat în anii '60 si prezinta un loc de atractie pentru populatia locala si pentru turisti. La infiintare gradina avea o suprafata de 600-700 m2, care în 1965 s-a marit la 20 hectare.
La deschiderea portilor au fost numai zece animale: 3 lupi, 2 ursi, 2 mistreti, 2 fazani si o caprioara. Acest numar a crescut mult pana in anul 2002 si astfel in prezent sunt in jur de 500 de animale apartinand la 120 de specii, atat de fauna locala, cat si exotica.
In momentul actual gradina este impartita in cinci sectoare, fiecare sector avand ingrijitori specializati, in numar de 31, care asigura munca de zi de zi.
Anual Zoo Tirgu-Mures este vizitata de un numar de 100 000 de vizitatori.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Satu Mare

Satu Mare ( Hungarian: Szatmárnémeti; German: Sathmar ) is a city with a population of 113,688 and the capital of Satu Mare County, Romania.
Satu Mare is situated in Satu Mare County, in northwest Romania, on the Someş River, 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) from the border with Hungary and 27 kilometres (17 mi) from the border with Ukraine. The city is located at an altitude of 126 metres (413 ft) on the Lower Someş alluvial plain. From a geomorphologic point of view, the city is located on the Someş Meadow on both sides of the river, which narrows in the vicinity of the city and widens upstream and downstream from it; flooded during heavy rainfall, the field has various geographical configurations at the edge of the city (sand banks, valleys, micro-depressions).

The water network around Satu Mare is composed of the Someş River, Pârâul Sar in the north and the Homorod River in the south. The formation and evolution of the city was closely related to the Someş River, which, in addition to allowing for the settlement of a human community around it, has offered, since the early Middle Ages, the possibility of international trade with coastal regions, a practice that favored milling, fishing and other economic activities.

Because the land slopes gently around the city, the Someş River has created numerous branches and meanders (before 1777, in the perimeter of the city there were 25 meanders downstream and 14 upstream). After systematisation works in 1777, the number of meanders in the city dropped to 9 downstream and 5 upstream, the total length of the river now being at 36.5 kilometres (22.7 mi) within the city. Systematisation performed up to the mid-19th century configured the existing Someş riverbed; embankments were built 17.3 kilometres (10.7 mi) long on the right bank and 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) on the left. In 1970, the embankments were raised by 2 metres (6.6 ft)–3 metres (9.8 ft), protecting 52,000 hectares within the city limits and restoring nearly 800 ha of agricultural land that had previously been flooded.
The city's largest park, the Garden of Rome, features some rare trees that are uncommon to the area, including Styphnolobium japonicum, native to East Asia.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Cand pisica dormea , am facut cateva poze sa vad ce va iesi .
Am facut poze pana pisica s-a trezit . Din cauza soarelui pisica era prea lenesa sa se scoale asa ca a acceptat sa pozez mai departe pana am facut cateva poze care sa imi placa .

Iar pisica neagra deja s-a trezit si s-a mutat in alt loc pentru a se odihni , dar tot i-am facut o poza .

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Crucea Eroilor Neamului

Crucea Eroilor Neamului este un monument construit între anii 1926-1928 pe Muntele Caraiman, la altitudinea de 2291 m, pentru a cinsti memoria eroilor neamului căzuți în Primul Război Mondial. La baza vârfului Caraiman se află orașul Bușteni.

Crucea Eroilor Neamului este situată în șaua masivului Caraiman, chiar pe marginea abruptului către Valea Seacă, la altitudinea de 2291 m, fiind unică în Europa atât prin altitudinea amplasării, cât și prin dimensiuni: crucea propriu-zisă are o înălțime de 28 m și două brațe de câte 7 m fiecare.
Monumentul era cea mai înaltă construcție din lume la vremea respectivă, de acest fel, situată la o astfel de altitudine. Lățimea stâlpului vertical este de 2 m, lungimea brațelor orizontale până în axul stâlpului fiind de 7 m și latura unui ochi pătrat de zăbrea este de 2 m.
Crucea este executată din profile de oțel, fiind montată pe un soclu din beton armat placat cu piatră, înalt de 7,5 m. În interiorul acestuia se află o încăpere care a adăpostit inițial generatorul de energie electrică ce alimenta cele 120 de becuri de 500 W de pe conturul Crucii.

La început iluminatul monumentului s-a făcut cu ajutorul unui generator de energie electrică (localizat în soclul din beton armat) și al 120 becuri de câte 500 W. În anul 1939, Crucea a fost racordată la sistemul energetic național. S-a renunțat astfel la generator ca sursă de iluminare și s-a apelat la sursa cu care era dotată stația complexă de la Coștila (2487 m), legătura făcându-se printr-un cablu subteran. Până la instalarea regimului comunist în 1948, Crucea era aprinsă în noaptea de Sfânta Maria Mare (15 august), dar și de Înălțarea Domnului (sărbătoare cu dată variabilă, la 40 de zile după Învierea Domnului), când este și Ziua Eroilor.
În perioada regimului comunist, monumentul a fost amenințat cu mutilarea, un primar obedient regimului dorind să-i taie brațele și în vârful coloanei rămase să monteze o stea roșie.
Până în anul 1989 s-a tras un cablu electric, iar în anul 1990 s-a terminat de montat instalația electrică prin efortul Primăriei din Bușteni, al locuitorilor și al unor societăți comerciale, Crucea fiind din nou iluminată. Instalația electrică a fost vandalizată repetat de-a lungul timpului de către unii turiști care s-au cățărat pe Cruce și au spart becurile.
În anul 2003, instalația care lumina crucea s-a defectat. Pentru repararea instalației electrice, au lucrat echipe de salvamontiști care au fost nevoite să transporte în vârful muntelui sute de kilograme de materiale, în ciuda vântului și a temperaturilor deosebit de scăzute. Salvamontiștii au înlocuit mai multe zeci de becuri care nu mai funcționau, instalația fiind repusă în funcțiune în decembrie 2004 și racordată la energia electrica a orașului Bușteni.
Monumentul este în prezent în administrarea Consiliului Local al orașului Bușteni. Astăzi, odată cu lăsarea întunericului, Crucea de pe Caraiman este iluminată cu 300 de becuri de câte 500 W fiecare și poate fi văzută de la zeci de km depărtare, de pe Valea Prahovei. Există un nou proiect, care își propune să acopere Crucea Eroilor cu o vopsea fluorescentă, iar asupra ei să fie proiectat un spot laser.

Friday, 7 October 2011


Bucharest summer 2011, capital of Romania .

Arcul de triumf ( color )

Arcul de triumf ( B/W ) 

Bucharest watch